Our Story

Hello, I'm Andrea Engbretsen, and I’m SEW HAPPY you’re here!
I was 18 when my grandmother gave me my first Kenmore sewing machine – a beast that lasted for the next 22 years! I made clothes, and then quilts, and now that’s evolved into bags, organizers, and all things functional with fabric!
We’ve always loved travel and adventure, but twenty years ago my husband and I decided we’d had enough of the Southern California rat race, and headed NORTH TO ALASKA with our three girls, large dog, three cats and two birds, in a 32 foot travel trailer! We’ve never looked back! We lived in the rural, fly-in only town of Bethel on the western coast of Alaska – with wild winters, cool summers, and some of the most beautiful sunsets you’ll ever see until this past year when I retired and we moved to Missouri.

The Forget Me Not is Alaska’s state flower, and also a play on words for those that travel and meet new faces along the way. I hope you enjoy our products as much as I love making them.